Pro Line


About Our Company

In August of 2001, Donald Crowder made the decision to take a nap, but he never woke up. His sudden passing left his family, including his son Kris, to grieve and find ways to cope with their loss. Fortunately, Kris found solace in a hobby that his father had left him – a love for working with animals.

Donald Crowder was a passionate animal lover, and nearly nine years before his passing, he had started a hobby that Kris would later embrace and turn into a successful full-time business. Today, Kris continues to honor his father’s legacy by offering high-quality installation, repair, and maintenance services for underground dog fencing to pet owners in his community.

Through his dedication and hard work, Kris has transformed his father’s hobby into a thriving business, providing pet owners with a reliable and effective solution for keeping their furry friends safe and secure. His commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is a testament to his father’s passion for animals and his lasting impact on his son’s life.

In memory of Donald Crowder, Kris remains committed to providing the same level of care and attention to detail that his father instilled in him, ensuring that every pet owner who entrusts him with their pet’s safety receives the highest level of service and support.

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